Saturday, February 4, 2012

Evolution of a Cell Phone Signal Booster

Cell phones evaluated many decades ago. The first wireless phone was made in early 1970s but was made available for public in 1980s. Since then, mobile phones didn’t stop in terms of progress in still they are progressing day by day. Services related to cell phones are launched and developed day by day. All advancements in mobile phone market are appreciated and so are the accessories of cell phones.
Accessories like mobile booster are very much popular in the market because they have very much reputation just because of their efficiency in their work. Did you ever wonder how the idea evaluated and what forced the technology to develop this product?
In starting, cell phones and mobile calls were very costly and so the traffic of signals was very low. Because of the cost, there were very rare people who owned a cell phone. But with advancement in technology, the need of cheaper cell phones and phone calls raised. So when calls and cell phones became cheaper, people starting using cell phones. And now almost every 7 people out of 10 have a cell phone. Some people even have 2 cell phones which might support multiple SIMs at a time. The number raise gave the rise to increased traffic for signals. Signals became very weak because of traffic and needed to be boosted for efficient calls. Thus cell phone signal booster got invented.
Firstly, normal and costly cell phone signal amplifier was available but now cheaper ones and faster ones are available. Technology never stopped and so new services for cell phones like 3G,4G and internet were developed. Nowadays, cell phone booster for every service and every kind of cell phone is available.

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